The early 1960’s marks the preliminary bustles of the renowned Pappinissery Visha Chikilsa Kendram. The triumphs and targets that this institution conquered during these 50 years are unsurpassed in Kerala especially in North Malabar. Renowned visionary Sri. M.V .Raghavan, popularly known as MVR, the then President of Pappinisseri Panchayath, in his autobiography ‘Oru Janmam’ has evidently depicted the initial advancements and rationale of this institution. PVCS disentangled countless confrontations and challenges, during the epoch of its advancements such as Visha Chikilsa Kendram, Snake Park, M.K .Ummerkoya Memorial hospital and Pharmacy, and finally in the year 2001, started the MVR Ayurveda Medical College, thereby establishing itself to be the backbone of Ayurveda toxicology management. Visha Chikilsa Kendram is still a reliable boon to the snake bitten patients, of North Malabar. Unambiguous records of more than 125000 snake bitten patients admitted in the centre, proves it unquestioned existence.
This record embarks the reality, that PVCK was able to endow Ayurveda Visha Chikilsa with magnificent contributions. Generally, Anti Venom administration is the line of treatment in snake poisoned patients. PVCK holds the precedence to proclaim the fact that, hundreds of pit vipers cases in the past sixty years had been managed effectively, exclusively by Ayurveda treatment. And thus it paved ways, for manifold areas of research, in the field of Ayurveda toxicology management.
As stated by Sri. M.V. Raghavan in his autobiography, the Central Government of India conferred PVCK with the NCRT award. We have also been recognized by the Central Government and AYUSH Centre of Excellence, by which PVCK will be endowed the authority to scientifically establish treatment protocols, clinical research, medicine manufacturing, and other activities related with visha chikitsa.
The primary apprehension, regarding snake bite management is to provide the patients with quick and effective treatment. Unfortunately, hospitals and health care institutions having fully fledged facilities are rare in the State. The Central and State Governments should provide suitable intervention of advancements in science, such as telemedicine, thereby assuring the patients with maximum possible care. We have taken steps forward in this regard.
As per the scheme submitted to AYUSH centre of Excellence programme, PVCK can assure practical researches done in the development of newer medicines and its utilities , antivenom management, and the holistic approach in treatments that PVCK advocates. Setting up of a research institute will facilitate in preserving the age old, snake bite treatment protocols prevailing in Kerala, and thus will help to merge this ancient wisdom with both Ayurvedic and modern concepts in visha chikitsa. Hundreds of UG/PG scholars from in and outside Kerala utilized this centre for their extension/PhD programs adhering to our primary resources and integrated treatment protocol.
Research faculties from numerous institutions, have visited our institution and equipped us with project and research papers. The Publication division of the MVR Ayurveda College is now on a path to accrue all these references, manuscripts, articles, research papers and treatment experiences and publish this valuable information
Manuscripts written in ancient Indian languages are a source of immense traditional Indian wisdom in the field of health and medicine. PVCK taking up this responsibility is now initiating steps to translate and conserve these manuscripts. A digital manuscript library started in the college library, had already taken a noble but firm step in this concern.
The Agada department of MVR Ayurveda Medical College effectively treats snake bites in addition to scorpion bite, spider bite and skin diseases. The BAMS, B Pharm( Ayurveda) and BSc. Nursing(Ayurveda) students engage in their practical training here. In 2012 KUHS had sanctioned Post Graduate courses in the departments of Agada Tantra, Rasa Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana and Panchakarma. Additionally we have been awarded the recognition as a Research Centre under Gujarat University.
Visha Chikilsa Kendram had effectively delivered several splendid contributions in the field of health and medicine. We also have taken consistent steps to enlighten the common people with essential knowledge about snakes and snake bite treatment. The reminiscence of the previous 50 years of Pappinissery Visha Chikilsa Kendram is definitely, to be counted as gems in the annals of Kerala Visha Chikitsa. And PVCK is sure to be an unparalleled institution in snake bite treatment in Asia.
In 2020, in an effort to combat the global pandemic, a Post Covid Treatment Centre was established in an effort to provide rehabilitation to those affected by the COVID-19. All data was documented for research and further studies.
We have also received recognition from the KUHS as a PhD centre of Research.
Golden Achievement: AYUSH CCIM approved AGADA TANTRA PG studies as clinical studies mainly on the basis of the practical & clinical students’ protocol done at PVCK since 1964.
Programs in the pipeline
Considering the unprecedented demand of the general public in and outside Kerala, we are planning to deliver optimum facilities in the Ayurveda healthcare and studies. The growth of science and technology has in fact created opportunities for the systematic development of interdisciplinary approach. Globalization is not a new phenomenon.
Considering the unprecedented demand of the general public in and outside Kerala, we are planning to deliver optimum facilities in the Ayurveda healthcare and studies. The growth of science and technology has in fact created opportunities for the systematic development of interdisciplinary approach. Globalization is not a new phenomenon.
As part of expansion, sharing knowledge and expertise we are planning to institute the following schemes.
Cultivation of medicinal plants under Cluster & Self Help Group Scheme.
Research & Development of Ayurveda Drugs.
Workshops on Ayurveda Paramedical Science.
Skill Development Programmes for staff & students.
Publication of manuscripts, Journals & e-magazines on Ayurveda
Holistic specialty clinics in ENT & GERIATRICS.
Distant & online Ayurveda Studies.
Aayuram – International Ayurveda Summit-2022.
Ayurveda village knowledge centers (AVKC).
SELF-Ayurveda Self Help Group
Institute of Herpetology, Wildlife &Forest studies.
Open Auditorium Public library & Research Centre.
Listed above are some of the dream projects under MVR Ayurveda Medical College, Parassinikadavu, which demands a combined effort from all the corners.